Beim allgemeinen Verfall der guten Sitten, Höflichkeit, Scham on rapid decline, war es immer Punkt eins im Anforderungsprofil an meinen persönlichen Browser: Er muss sich entschuldigen können, wenn etwas passiert. Na also! Gerne verziehen.
A local's views on Salzburg, Austria, Europe, and the world, as inspired by photographs from his digital camera, the weather, "Sound of Music", the world at large, and nasty, dark spots in his home town and country
hello dear
i am very happy to finally find a blog about salzburg. i've been there few years ago and i was amazed by the beauty of the place and i was wondering if its easy for a foreigner to settle there. I am french (african) and i was wondering how the local react when you have some outsider who want to come and live there for a little while.
hopefully you will be able to answer to my question.