Innovation and Relaunch
arts and language,
concrete poetry,
under construction,
Good morning, everybody! I wonder if anybody has wondered what became of this blog, its obviously huge blog-team and this mysterious wemo? Well, some guys got hired away by huge major blogs, some got their masters in social studies and are playing guitar now in Salzburg's old city, and so forth. But now a relaunch is under way. A new blog, maybe with more German in it.
Vielleicht sind Sie ja irgendwann über diesen Blog gestolpert, wg. Salzburg und so? Und dann waren die Texte alle so ... englisch? Und wer sollte dieser Blogger überhaupt sein?
Na ja, zur ersten Frage gibt es jetzt Hoffnung. Blogger wemo hat einen neuen Blog eröffnet – und der soll großteils in Deutsch, österreichischem Deutsch sein.
So, here's the header photo, here's the link, see you there!
Also, auf ein Neues, Header-Foto oben, Link hier, man sieht sich hoffentlich!
Coming home?

Picture in the picture:
Werner Otte (1922–2006): Salzburg-Nonntal im Winter, 1969
from the collection of Salzburg Museum
At the crossroads (Robert Johnson)

Legal or not, let's have another (Google) street view of the RR Xing at BG OH, thinking of slow trains coming (Bob Dylan), of the crossroads where Robert Johnson might or might not have met the Devil in the late 1920s, thinking of a great Austrian-Australian musician by the name of Chris Schermer, and of our mutual acquaintance, Czech-born fingerstyle guitarist Sammy Vomacka, thinking of Austrian fingerpicker Peter Ratzenbeck, and finally thinking of guitar genius Harri Stojka (they're all geniuses, but there's got to be some variation language-wise) – you might wonder, why have I heard of the one or the other but never of the rest?
Well, there's no business like show business: there might be people of equal artistic stature, but some never reach the fame (or fortune) of others …
Those life- and streetwise among us know, you won't need the Beatles or mother Mary to teach you: Let it be!
Posted with two special dedications:
Djedje – taxi-driving heavy metal paramedic of Palestine origins
and to
Martin – guitar pickin', foot-stompin', hyperactive waiter at republic café, who's had a beer with late jazzer Joe Zawinul at Finkenstein way back in another lifetime.
God (whoever that may be) bless them all!
An aside from the blogwart: wemo isn't ashamed to be purely & simply a fan at certain times of his life.
Take it or leave it, as you will.
Chris Schermer is God (?!)

Taken from http://www.chrisschermer.com/photos.html
Oops, what a word to use for a great guitarist and singer-songwriter …
Well, after having heard the Austrian-Australian guy live twice I met the man and got to like him personally …
One of the most expert finger-picking guitarists I ever, ever heard, on his new studio album Diamonds from demons there is some of the finest songwriting, grrrreat arrangements and singing – so what can you do?
Sign up as a fan, and pump up the hype ( ;––))!
and do a recommendation for Salzburg locals:
Chris Schermer live at Afro Café, Salzburg, Thu Feb 17, and Thu Feb 24!!
Be there or be square!
ARGE reflections
concrete poetry,
under construction,

It is heaven for the 'reflective photographer': The ARGEkultur-Beisl in Salzburg-Nonntal, the bar and restaurant of the long-standing cultural cooperative.
It had to move from its old location due to the construction of big Unipark facilities, a campus-like new home for mostly the humanities of Salzburg University, into a hugely complex new concrete building, seemingly weird due to the tiny lot it had to be built on: a 'Restfläche' as we call it in German … residual space?
Winter and architecture
concrete poetry,
wemo on the job

We've had winter turned on and off recently; here it's the area heating plant next to river Salzach, in the background Gaisberg in biting frost …
Prize winning architecture, most locals hate it for all the raw concrete.
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