Legal or not, let's have another (Google) street view of the RR Xing at BG OH, thinking of slow trains coming (Bob Dylan), of the crossroads where Robert Johnson might or might not have met the Devil in the late 1920s, thinking of a great Austrian-Australian musician by the name of Chris Schermer, and of our mutual acquaintance, Czech-born fingerstyle guitarist Sammy Vomacka, thinking of Austrian fingerpicker Peter Ratzenbeck, and finally thinking of guitar genius Harri Stojka (they're all geniuses, but there's got to be some variation language-wise) – you might wonder, why have I heard of the one or the other but never of the rest?
Well, there's no business like show business: there might be people of equal artistic stature, but some never reach the fame (or fortune) of others …
Those life- and streetwise among us know, you won't need the Beatles or mother Mary to teach you: Let it be!
Posted with two special dedications:
Djedje – taxi-driving heavy metal paramedic of Palestine origins
and to
Martin – guitar pickin', foot-stompin', hyperactive waiter at republic café, who's had a beer with late jazzer Joe Zawinul at Finkenstein way back in another lifetime.
God (whoever that may be) bless them all!
An aside from the blogwart: wemo isn't ashamed to be purely & simply a fan at certain times of his life.
Take it or leave it, as you will.
Legal or not, /ready or not/, let's have another long distance dedication to Lauryn Hill, former /singer/ with the Fugees, great Trip-Hopper in her own right, and a lady I would just /love/ to meet over a beer at republic café. Boy, we'd have things to talk over!