
True blue, v. 3

Blue_Obertauern, in color-corrected version by hannsotte.blogspot.com

wemo has announced his retreat to a Zen monastery, but made sure there would be wireless internet around and renewed his Apple Care support lease.
The rest of the blog team will stay in lieu and meditate on the color blue.

Soundtrack: Fine Young Cannibals Blue

Good god, all my tears
There’s no denying life
Would be better if I never ever had to live with you,
Blue - it’s a colour so cruel


True blue, the crisis, or DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE

This is the blog administration speaking; wemo's been taken to a protected shooting range by the back office crew, to confine him to a safe place in order to get to grips with his anger at a supposedly unlawful intrusion from an otherwise friendly blog.
Now he has uncovered under his long desert-colored coat: 1 Winchester rifle, 1 AK47, 2 .45 Colts, 1 Glock, and a few knives, and is firing at various distances at: Swastikas, portraits of late actor John Wayne, printouts of the unlicensed 'color-corrected' version of his Blue_Obertauern photograph. We know, this will calm him.
Meanwhile a third version of the photograph has been submitted, that is in serious discussion by the rest of the blog-team. There could be a way to even interest stubborn wemo in a re-thinking of his views on photography. Let's see.
Signed Mister Mister, a.k.a. blogwart


True blue?

The blogwart would have said, hey, you gotta take some of that blue out of this picture. Well, Photoshop Elements are somewhere ready to be used. But: this is snow under a blue sky just before sunrise on the shady slopes of the valley. It is so blue, only what our brain does when we're there, is to correct the snow into what we think should be white. Does a photographer need to do so? I don't think so.
Photoshop Elements still unused.


Season's greetings

Once again, it was not a white Christmas in Salzburg city, but it was not as bad as this: heavy rain on New Year's Eve 2007. Today it's slightly freezing, and sunshine to be expected during daytime.


Off season

Maybe there's something wrong with that photograph selector? Outside I hear people shoveling snow, it's the shortest day of the year – and what comes up here? An August sunset, shot at 19:42:47, just for the record.


Fog and freezing

The fog at Intercont Berchtesgaden was in June, now it's freezing cold down here, -8.3° C, and probably -15° up there (1,000m or 3,000ft. above sea level), around one foot of snow, and a bright blue sky to be expected once sun comes up.
Beautiful place to have a hotel built, yet if it were not for the dark past, see below, this is just in the middle of nowhere. Just mountains around and great views, plus the documentation centre at Obersalzberg, and – from May through October – the bus departure to the Eagle's Nest on top of Kehlstein mountain.

Obersalzberg documentation (reportedly the largest permanent exhibition on the Nazi period, and a very good one), in the background Untersberg.

In 1928, when Hitler first rented a chalet not far from here, one of his reasons was the view of Untersberg, a myth-laden mountain. Legend has it that in one of the huge caves of this limestone mountain there is eather emperor Charlemagne or Frederick I, Hohenstaufen emperor in the 12th century, sitting at a stone table in a death-like sleep. Only when the ravens quit circling the mountain and his beard has grown seven times around the stone table the emperor will awake, gather his army and in a huge battle at Walserfeld (a plain in the area around Salzburg airport) will erect a realm of Christ on earth.
A myth that goes back to the late middle ages when Christians were still awaiting a return of Christ and a 1000 year empire on earth before doomsday. It was not a dangerous one before the Nazis grabbed hold of it to legitimate their own "Thousand year empire".


In the neighborhood


In hiding

Intercontinental Resort Berchtesgaden, the hotel built on a location that was called "Göring Hill" in dark ages: Göring had his chalet there, not far from Hitler's Obersalzberg house; the whole structure grew over the years with additions to the houses of Nazi greats, SS-barracks, a parade ground, and a tunnel system inside the rock, used as bomb shelters and as dungeons for convicts.

Hiding in the clouds above the building: The "Eagle's Nest", high outpost of this mountain retreat for the Nazis. Not far behind the location where the mountain escape of the Trapp family was filmed. Not a good way into Switzerland, then.


Leaping back

in time to when it was still 'old' Residence fountain, the marble a dark yellow + all the gray & black from withering – and a strange fall sunset sky.


Telling a secret

Hallstatt, Unesco World Heritage Site for its nature as well as its cultural history.
There is a good chance that getting there you see quite a few buildings wrapped for renovation.
Well, nowhere in those tourism hot spots you will find terms of trade that would guarantee a right to see all the buildings uncovered and in a state of best repair – so a flight through the covered gate in a delivery van might be appropriate.

This is in memory of Jeanne-Claude, partner in life and arts of Christo.
Jeanne-Claude died aged 74 on November 18, 2009. May she be sketching and planning to wrap clouds or stars in heaven with friendly support by St. Peter by now.


Soundtrack: Schubert, String quintet c-major, D 956, currently on Radio Ö1 with Acies Quartet and David Geringas.

"Woher kommen wir? Wohin gehen wir? Und wo geht's hier zum Bahnhof?"
Schubert could not have answered the last of those three basic questions; there were no train stations around in his lifetime. And he did not answer a lot of questions in words anyway, it is his music that is about life and death, creation and destruction, about dancing when things seem to be petrified. So it seems there is a direction home somewhere.

Hello to Hanns Otte and his current blog series "Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben......" from Vienna and Teheran; and hello to all good-willing people who think that tolerance and constitutional rights are a higher value than "clipping other people's minarets, because we don't like to have those dark-skinned muslims in our tidy country" – as the Swiss just did; and a lot of my fellow Austrians found this a great and respectable decision.

A second soundtrack is to be credited: a blackbird "singing in the dead of night"; hello there!




National Novel Writing Month November 2009 is coming to a close. Yours truly has called it a writing day already a week ago, not minding the fact that he did not reach 50k. Around 30k I realized: what had started out as a collection of 'fragments & anecdotes' had taken on a subliminal logic that reached a peak just then – and suddenly I found myself tying in some loose ends, finding a conclusion, and smoothly shifting into edit mode.
What NaNo can do for you it surely did; helping along by daily word counts on your profile, encouragement by pep talk emails, and forums for the outcries and ideas you would like to share during the writing effort – still safely withholding most of your actual 'novel' to decide later, during the editing process, what is to become of those writings you did while your inner editor was on a vacation, hopefully.
Great project!


Tom Cruise, anywhere?

Somewhere round here, maybe right on the rusty tin roof front right, there was filming with Tom Cruise this week, for an action comedy with Cameron Diaz. Local media played it big; on the spot things weren't quite as excited. Driving by I mostly noticed the thick power cables for lighting, generators, camera equipment, lots of trucks, and a lot of security. The two stars aren't among my favorite actors, but to be near filming is something fascinating knowing a little about the complicated process. Now people are wondering how much of Salzburg there might to be seen in the final production. A few seconds? With a panoramic view, or just very realistic rusty tin roofs?

Coming up soon in a theater near your: buggers, I forgot the title ...


In memoriam Dieter Feichtner 1943–1999

This is in memory of Dieter Feichtner, Salzburg pianist and pioneer of synthesizers. The bass-speaker underneath the designer lamp is dedicated to him, a great musician who went to the borders of the bearable even for good-willing listeners time and again.
Just discovered that beyond the wonderful ECM-Album by Barre Philips, Mountainscapes with Dieter Feichtner as co-composer and player of synthesizers, there is a whole musical legacy to be found at the small label canto crudo. Check it out!

Hoping for a 'live' performance of those
direct recordings by Günther Rabl in Salzburg soon.


Doctor in the house?

Good to know there are always doctors around, in this neighbourhood with so many small businesses, many of them run by families of Turkish origin. The parents or grandparents started out as construction or industrial workers – they were called into the country by the government in the 1960s and 1970s when there was actually a lack of workforce in Austria. Now these families are here to stay; they have their own shops, there is Sunday shopping for groceries around, and quiet, peaceful streets on weekend nights: never seen drunk, rowdy Turkish fellas in the streets here.


Greetings from NaNo-Land, Web


while I’m getting carried away with a lot of philosophy our NaNo regional manager for Germany & Austria has asked us to do a little writing exercise; to introduce a new figure in our story: Den Weisen aus der Küche. – Thank you! In my story this wise man from the kitchen has been there all along, only hardly noticed yet. It is our novel hero, my father. You have not seen him yet by the big cook-pot where there is something strange simmering; it could be bone glue for making your own paper or binding your own sketchbook, it could be dog food cooked from a butcher’s ‘wastes’, it could be lard that will get transformed into some very fine breadspread: Grammelschmalz.

The raw material is always something that is regarded as useless waste nowadays. Yet as the Wise Man from the Kitchen has maintained there is no such thing as waste if you know what to do with it. The little philosopher in your NaNo here in Salzburg, Austria will immediately elaborate about Newton and the second law of thermodynamics.

Oh my goodness! Couldn’t anyone knock that guy out for a while? And much rather try to remember father's very own and highly unique recipe for Grammelschmalz? Short intermission – please stay tuned for the recipe after a word from our sponsor, Life & Death Thermodynamics®, based in Universe. Thank you.

An excerpt from a piece of bio-fiction currently under costruction here.


NaNo craze

Hey there, this is wemo, blog editor and current NaNo writer speaking. Just reached 14k. This is 14,064 words, and 78,688 chars in my word processor's count. Back in my daily goal, but contented: as I'm writing as I go along in my biographic fiction I need time to remember as well as to transform my memories. It takes time, it takes 'emotional' energy, so what?


Gone writing

Blog editor gone writing; so somebody has got to upload a stock photo, while that guy is taking his note-book everywhere and leaving his camera at home. Best regards from the back office crew – having an eye on him; slightely back back on his NaNo word count, that fella! Keep going!


Ehrenplatz für Ines

It is a small acrylic on paper, quite an expressive abstract study for a painter whose work at those times combined constructive elements with nature study in her larger paintings. A work she presented to me many years ago; I valued it highly, but never had it framed or displayed in any way. I came back to it recently, had it framed and put it on a shelf with some memorabilia; and managed to have an email with a Thank you & best regards forwarded to her by her gallerist. Thanks again.

"It's all over my head …

… and everything's alive with moths". – Werner Otte, Gouache 1990.

Es wächst mir über den Kopf - Die Motten wimmeln
Medium Gouache
Size 13.4 x 18.1 in. / 34 x 46 cm.
Year 1990
Misc. Signed, Inscribed
Sale Of Dorotheum Salzburg: Wednesday, June 12, 2002
[was not sold at that auction]

found at artnet.com. Hoping for kind permission to use the reproduction.

Phew, just googled for picture results of that late, great artist that one of the blog crew is writing biographic fiction on currently – and isn't that something: it is a piece of painted autobiography that I came across first. No matter, if the repro is out of focus; the picture is alive with Otte's colours of this period; it may be 'a mess' at first sight, and the title is a shoutout – yet it is form, it is work, and it is not despair or giving in to what seems to be all over your head. And that is what art is about, at times, isn't it?


Father and a stag

1982 father and I did one last hike together; in Rauris in the central range of the Salzburg province alps. Both of us did not have any serious hiking gear, so we just followed a side valley uphill, not even trying to climb a peak. Yes, it was fall, the days of Rauriser Malertage, a painters’ annual ‘convention’ – artists of all styles willing to react to sublime mountain nature, draw, sketch, or paint with an exchange of results in the evenings.

For a nature loving person that my father never ceased to be this was also the time to hear stags belling; no, no, he never was a hunter; his was not to listen to the creatures of mountains & forests in order to shoot them. His was just to listen, and maybe to see – if you managed to be so quiet and peaceful as not to shy those animals away. And I had never heard a stag belling, so my father wanted to present me with this experience, and we had found a pretext to stay off one of those informal evening meetings at the local Kirchenwirt. Well, it’s been 27 years now, and I can’t seem to remember if we actually heard a stag belling; I do remember a feeling of connectedness with my father that strikes me as a rare gift in hindsight; it took me a long time to realize just how much the two of us have in common, for better or worse; and this little story is definitely part of the better.

This is an excerpt from a piece of biographic fiction currently under construction as a part of the international network of National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo.
In case you're among those who always wanted to write that certain piece of prose, maybe an outright novel – come on in and join fun, excitement and the suspense if you manage to finish November as a 'winner' with 50,000 words written, no matter what.
If your Inner Editor is just getting the screaming fits – send him/her on a four weeks' vacation!
This is a blog here; there are editors and theorists: so there's a disclaimer to the excerpt above: 'sublime' would never ever have been used as a term for mountain landscapes by that fictional father.


Nonnberg Abbey & "Bürgermeister"

One of the best known views of Salzburg, Nonnberg Abbey with its red spire roof left of the fortress. To be seen as a detail of the fortress: "Bürgermeister", the mighty tower that was used in 1511 to imprison the Salzburg mayor and most of his council for alleged conspiracy against the prince archbishop. The real reason: old privileges of the city council granted by the emperor to the annoyance of the local ruler.


Nie sollst du mich befragen

... why on earth I shot this photograph; anyway, Salzburg cathedral being re-roofed, taxis regaining access to upper Festungsgasse and Mönchsberg … progress happens.


The ice-cold winds of roll-back

'Profil', the Austrian weekly news magazine, founded in the early 1970s and moulded after the model of German Der Spiegel and U.S. Newsweek, has chosen to take a tougher stance in the discussion on the Austrian social security system.
This week's cover, strategically placed in the week of the Austrian National Holiday, Oct. 26, makes a very clear statement: "So ungerecht ist Österreich. ... Hausfrauen, Erben und Untätige werden belohnt." Yours truly has a built-in linguist who reacts very strongly to sentences like this one. There is an equation made; people who do not work because they inherited property (for which they were not taxed properly, thanks to the Austrian taxation system) are put on one level with humans who supposedly are neither working nor willing to work, namely housewives, and, hm, who is an "Untätiger"? Maybe a bum who dropped out of the system of employment and in consequence is no longer even willing to take up regular work. This is the equation; so far so bad.
But the verb 'belohnt' implies that action should be taken; if an unjust system is giving rewards to the 'undeserving' then the implication is that these people should rather be punished. The title also mentions "Leistungswillige"; obviously those should be rewarded. So, money should be taken from the poor, like from mothers who dropped out of employment for lack of child care and decent part time jobs, and be given to the needy WASPs? Well, some of the money for the needy slick urban professionals, like Profil journalists could be coming from wealthy heirs, that's understood. It might not be enough, so some definitely should be taken from workless, maybe homeless people?
Ich glaube, es erübrigt sich jeder weitere Kommentar. Ich habe der Profil-Redaktion in einem Mail, das nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt ist, meine Meinung zur Kenntnis gebracht; als nächstes werde ich mein Abonnement kündigen.
Was bleibt, sind Wut und Enttäuschung, dass ein Medium, das meinen geistigen und politischen Werdegang begleitet hat, nun nicht mehr Zeitgeschehen kommentiert oder Missstände aufdeckt, sondern neoliberale Propaganda betreibt, zur Spaltung der Bevölkerung und zum Hass auf andere, in zwei von drei Fällen auf solche die weniger haben, beiträgt.

Once again, the soundtrack is Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: Don't let it bring you down, it's only castles burning. – Sadly so. But there still is 'Heimat' around; und der Geist weht wo er will.


Bags & concrete

We've seen the light come shining with Marina Abramovich's vision of Mozart; now it might be time to look a bit further down to the right, where there's a depot for a bag lady's possessions. Just to remind us that there is a darkness not just at the edge of town but right here in the middle.

In Salzburg there are quite a few homeless people; some of them actually found themselves a home – in small turrets of the historic fortifications on Kapuzinerberg; now they are to be dislocated from these lodgings, with no alternative anywhere near. Salzburg Bürgerliste, the local Green party asks for support against this measure; please sign up here!


Schafe können sicher weiden

The sheep have long been brought to their stables at Gersbergalm; there's been too much rain and snow recently.
Correction, 24 hours later: on a transfer to Schladming – early ski season opening! – I saw, at 7° C, cows grazing outside while skiers lined up at the cable cars.

The title is from an aria in J. S. Bach's wonderful 'Hunt' cantata.


Steingasse & Gaisberg



Pretty lenient day with the refusenik

From the diaries of a refusenik

Way back, when yours truly was only just starting his career as a driver guide, he felt offended by a tour to the Bavarian king's castles; an insult to his education and his good taste to take anyone to this kitsch-haven. His photos came out accordingly, following a few rules: towers that are not cut by the frame are a symptom of fascist esthetics. No photographs when there are blue skies. Every weird edgy detail in the foreground is preferred to having a maypole completely in the picture. A maypole to be seen completely is an indication for phallogocentricism. For further information consult the Handbook of Poststructuralist, Deconstructive, Feminist Linguistics, Philosophy & Esthetics.
Thank you.

Got corrected here by the blog theorist; the actual term was phallogocentrism. Its been a while.
Remembering some of the discussions at the university that used terms like 'phallogocentric' I get struck by a huge irony: using those terms was a means of getting discoursive power over those who were not quite as well-read in fields of recent theory – not an indication of 'deconstructive' use of language, then.




It's a huge construction project for small Salzburg; a former brewery and inn, right next to a quarry, that our prince archbishops used for their major baroque projects.
What you see here is a very nicely designed information tower on what is planned. Yet the project was started in 2008, and so far no progress has been made in 2009. Crisis.


"Übern Tauern tuats schauern"

It's not just snowfall in Obertauern; even Salzburg city is just around freezing this very morning, a crisp and clear snow wind blowing.
Let's go back five weeks in time and a few hundred kilometers south across Brenner, when one still could enjoy a warm afternoon outside, with a nice ice cream cone.

Another Salzburg province folk song, preferably sung by three female voices in close harmony to warm the listener's heart in cold winter nights.


"Inseln der Unordnung"

Heiner Müller

Doesn't Salzburg seem so … orderly in the layout of its old city? Maybe not regular, but, say, organic? Here's for something different.


"da summa is uma"

Salzburg province folk song, available in various recordings.

Buildings I love to hate, 1



Is it bronze, how did they fix it to the wall? Is it by Erwin Wurm, whose exhibition "Desperate Philosophers" was on at that time? Then it could have been some synthetic material and not quite as heavy.



Spent an afternoon off in a café next to the main train station.
First I had eye contact with an Arab family, meaning We / I know, you're different and that's okay. Then I got a light from three young ladies who I thought were Muslim. The young bar lady, of Bosnian origin, told me they were really Serbian Orthodox.
Then I got a light from 4 young people of Turkish origin.
Finally the friendly bar lady and I gave some Londoners directions to the major beer hall of town, Augustinerbräu. I had mistaken them for Scottish.

Well? Well, the Austrian chancellor suggests the Social Democrats should be taking a tougher stance towards foreigners (in der Ausländerpolitik "kantiger werden"). What foreigners? What stance? A gentler, kinder, a machine gun hand? – Yours truly is neither in favour of any kind of violence, nor is he suggesting that the Austrian chancellor could be in favour of any such action. Yet to see how Austrian social democrats with their great tradition are giving in to racist and xenophobic populists makes me wish to build up some amps and huge speakers in front of the Austrian chancellery and blast it away with some feedback from Neil Young's guitar.

I don't really appreciate noise in public space, so the soundtrack is private and danceful:
The World of Arthur Russell, Go Bang. Soul Jazz Records, CD83

There are times, when it's really hard to find the right words, e.g. when yours truly is just fed up to the brim with the political situation in this lovely and peaceful country (yes, it really is, no matter what some 'real' Austrians are thinking when they're afraid of all those dark-skinned people). Then, at times the blogwart interferes to remind me I shouldn't post any comments that I might by sued for or registered by Staatspolizei or even military intelligence (don't think I'm that important …). Or the backoffice-crew stops by to administer some beer as a sedative while they invent some absolutely nasty puns that will never be published here.
Thanks anyway, lads, next round's on me!

Graffiti-Bridge revisited

For a detail see below.

Soundtrack: Prince Graffiti Bridge


Boiling Salzach

It's a warm and quiet October now; Sept 5, after heavy rainfalls in the Alps Salzach river tried to be really impressive.
In the background right, always impressive when it's not hiding in the clouds: Untersberg, the mountain that came to be called Maria's Mountain during the filming of Sound of Music.
Background left: Hoher Göll. Its 'clear' view dominates the blog header.


Tornado watch?

When I was young, and christmases were white, did we have those clouds in later summer? Nope! Way back, when things were better, we did not have those clouds. Period.



At times, yours truly is simply a fan, an excited, joyful, little kid in a crowded, noisy venue.
Could've been with Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Harri Stojka Express, the early Vienna Art Orchestra, Prince, Talking Heads, The Fall, Hüsker Dü, Henry Rollins, or, more recently, Erika Stucky or Lambchop. This time it was the Stereo MCs, as DJs at republic café.
Got into the groove with the resident DJ, spotted Rob Birch early on in the crowd, prepared a little note for him and waited for a chance.
Caught him right ahead of his set, now or never, got an autograph with a PEACE next to his signature, dropped my note, and was simply happy to listen.

Even the backoffice-crew were there, all of them, not trying to cook up any nasty jokes. Respect.


"Don't let it bring you down,

it's only castles burning."

One of those all time favourite songs by Neil Young, with a compassionate eye for the old man sitting by the side of the road, and with a love for life with all its anger, hurt, and sometimes sorrow.

Have a look at Neil's Garage!



The little man in blogger's head demanded it; so here's the ladder again, and where it came from.


Haus der Natur, Salzburg's Museum of natural history and technology, in it's re-opening phase after substantial renovation.
And one more café terrace needs to be checked out.

Don't walk over ladders!


A portrait of the blogger as a young knee

Jazzit garden, one favourite hangout for Jazz lovers, bloggers, and non-graphic designers: could somebody please tell me, why I can't seem to get rid of this underline?! Mr. Blogwart!? – Never there, when he's needed, phew.

The backoffice-crew, responsible for tasteless puns like 'blogwart' is naturally out or in a meeting, so I will have to comment that myself, without deleting it. Our Blogwart is never there, when we need him, the 'original' Blockwart of dark Nazi past was always there, especially when people definitely NOT wanted to have him nearby. So much for the difference.



Did some research work at google.com, found Urban Dictionary, found a number of definitions for the label 'wemo' that seems to be put on persons in some circles.

Just a warning from our Blog theorist: Don't ever pin labels to humans!

Soundtrack: Witchi Tai To by Jim Pepper, in the old version by Jan Garbarek.
[handwritten remark, found on a Post-it® at the frame of a computer monitor, signed: Dr. Mr. Hammerhead o.b.o. Mr. Dr. Hammerhead]

Bring on the lights


"Bring on the night"

Must have been way back in the 1980s, when pop star Sting tried to bring some street credibility into his formerly slick New Wave star existence. Yet it was just Black Romanticism, maybe "Gothic" with a capital "G". Did he know of different lives back then, did he know what 'night' was like for an undercast who just did not have a chance to realize how 'cool' darkness and night 'really' were?
Austria seems like a peaceful, civilized place; yet, 'way back' in the late 1960s it was not so hard to end up in a jail (for some 'criminal' offence), in darkness with nothing but bread and water. Big fun, eh?!
Yours truly included, most people haver never experienced this total bulls*** way of life.
Who is there to judge how anyone ended up messing up his life like this?

Soundtrack: Don't let it bring you down, "a song that is guaranteed to bring you right down".
CSNY, Four Way Street live. Signed with the deepest respect for Neil Young as an artist and a loving, political human being. wemo

Have a look at the motion picture Déja Vu!
Thanks to SUNDANCE '08 independent film festival for that great trailer on Youtube.


Cinema Foyer

It used to be the foyer of Salzburg's largest cinema, Stadtkino. More than 20 years ago the cinema was stripped from all interior decoration and the room turned into a theatre and concert hall of pure concrete poetry. It is the main venue for Szene Salzburg.

The foyer kept its architectural charms, was spiced up with lights and a sound system. So after its daytime life as a restaurant and bar with a wireless LAN (nice MacBooks to be spotted there frequently!) it is turned into a club with 4 resident DJs, and a highlight coming up shortly:

Stereo MCs DJ Set, Oct 3, 2009, 23.00 – be there!




As a 4 year old, yours truly is reported to have taken his parents on endless 'train rides' along the square pavement patterns of St. Marcus Square, Venice Italy. The journey ended nowhere, as the pattern would lead back into itself.
Maybe the first loop in this looped career.
For today let it be the loops of Burning Spears Ethiopians on the album quoted below.

Introducing the team / Imprint

wemo: reflective photographer, blog editor, no further details available

Sound technician: Dr. Mr. Hammerhead, LlD, Bsc, Hon. Prof. at Loops Technologies® Labs, Inc.
Blog theorist: Mr. Dr. Hammerhead, MD, PhD, Life Univ., Jane Austin TX
Production facilities: Canon Ixus & blogger@google.com
Archives: iPhoto, Cupertino CA & Ice Cube, Salzburg, Austria
Maintenance work: Apple Europe, Cork, Ireland, EU

Blog administration: Mister Mister, Associate Prof. for Blog studies at iLife® Univ., Apple, N. Y. – a.k.a. 'Blogwart'.

Irresponsible & tasteless puns by the backoffice crew, unless supplied by external links; then it's, highly more poetic: James Joyce Finnegan's Wake

All characters on this blog are entirely fictitious.

Stage hands, electricians, gaffers & riggers will be booked on location. Feel free to apply!
After your application, please note: Don't call us, we call you.

Designer lamp

I like the lamp.
But here's for a word from our favourite TV presenter, Bernd das Brot: "Eine Designerlampe: kostet so viel wie ein Kleinwagen und gibt so viel Licht wie eine Taschenlampe aus dem YPS-Heft".

To be seen in the background: one of the hot chefs of this popular Salzburg city venue, republic café.