Way back, when yours truly was only just starting his career as a driver guide, he felt offended by a tour to the Bavarian king's castles; an insult to his education and his good taste to take anyone to this kitsch-haven. His photos came out accordingly, following a few rules: towers that are not cut by the frame are a symptom of fascist esthetics. No photographs when there are blue skies. Every weird edgy detail in the foreground is preferred to having a maypole completely in the picture. A maypole to be seen completely is an indication for phallogocentricism. For further information consult the Handbook of Poststructuralist, Deconstructive, Feminist Linguistics, Philosophy & Esthetics.
Thank you.
Got corrected here by the blog theorist; the actual term was phallogocentrism. Its been a while.
Remembering some of the discussions at the university that used terms like 'phallogocentric' I get struck by a huge irony: using those terms was a means of getting discoursive power over those who were not quite as well-read in fields of recent theory – not an indication of 'deconstructive' use of language, then.
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