A local's views on Salzburg, Austria, Europe, and the world, as inspired by photographs from his digital camera, the weather, "Sound of Music", the world at large, and nasty, dark spots in his home town and country
Hi, I'm a native and resident of Salzburg, Austria; yes, the place of "Sound of Music" and Mozart, near Hitler's notorious "Eagle's Nest". Yet there's more to it. Let's see as we go along!
Ein Salzburger, der 'Sound of Music' dutzende Male gesehen hat und sich ernsthaft Gedanken drüber gemacht hat – vielleicht ahnen Sie in welcher Branche Ihr Blogger arbeitet.
Bloß hier gibts genügend anderes zu sehen, zu denken, zu fotografieren und schreiben.
Mal sehen!
This comment LOOKs very interesting, what does it mean?