After seeing those season's greetings below somebody in the blog team got the screaming fits: "What about winter as it used to be, what about my tractor and the little snow plough of the olden, golden days?!"
There we are. Happy new year!
Phew; that was close. It's heartbreaking to see a competent adult turn into a little kid that's so terribly in need, of something so easy to get. It just takes someone to do it. Luckily this is a big multiple personality blog team, there's always somebody helpful around.
Season's greetings once again, from wemo, from the nasty lads of the back office crew,
from the sound technician who's just piping in Over the rainbow,
from the blogwart who's trying to relate Candle in the wind to Lacan's jouissance,
and they're all not a big happy family, but humans in all their need and distress,
and a feel for the needy – and with just a few simple means to help
when it's needed, and the awareness to stand back
when it's due.
"Let's hope it's a good one!" – 2011, c_Human rights, human needs, & human awareness
for all the good-willing
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