Now, with the blog theorist gone on a sabbatical,
the blogwart still trying to link (Lacan's) jouissance to Candle in the wind,
while trying to disperse any far-fetched associations to "Life is hard and then you die" (see below on the blog),
while holding back the the tears 'cause for reasons unknown The Righteous Brothers' "You've lost that loving feeling" came to his inner ear,
with the sound technician working on a re-loop of some of Neil Young's greatest guitar feedback (Arc / Weld, and more) tracks – and somewhere, in the back of his head, someone in an unknown audience is screaming 'Tar Babies', strange, but true,
and the back office crew once again in a meeting or gone fishing (one in a synthetic fur coat, one took an ice-pick along to the frozen lake),
gaffers, riggers a.s.f. applied, but were never called back,
sadly, there's no-one around to comment this incredible screen-shot except for the blogger's knee, but, alas once more, that never has been very outspoken …
The photograph on this post is best looped – correction: viewed! – on a Mac with Mac OS X 10.4
As so very often, nobody will accept any responsibility for the external links on this post.
Letzte Meldung:
Während wir die Ausdünnung unseres Blogteams bedauern, hat sich ein junger, vorwiegend deutschsprachiger Praktikant bei uns gemeldet, dzt möchte er noch anonym bleiben.
Vom blogwart freundlichst begrüsst, sei er doch ein Student von Klaus Theweleit in Freiburg, mit einem interessanten Diss-Thema:
Hm, zumindest der blogwart findet das interessant und schickt dem blog theorist gerade ein SMS.
Die back-office-crew fand ihn 'vielversprechend, aber verwirrt', und hat zur Sicherheit eine Flasche Wein aufgemacht.
Der Sound technician wiederum legt etwas Albert Ayler auf, altes Vinyl, was weiß ein Fremder, und das mag er wieder, der Jungspund. Naja, mal sehen. Wir sind da nicht so!
Wer hat das jetzt hingeschrieben – wo doch außerm Knie keiner mehr da ist?
Somewhere, among all those links, you might find
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kinda like it