Coming home?

At the crossroads (Robert Johnson)

Chris Schermer is God (?!)

ARGE reflections

Winter and architecture


A room with a view

Dairy Queen, 434 East Wooster Street, Bowling Green, OH (419) 352-8042

Ernst Jandl, 1925 – 2000

"You're so vain …"

Künstlerhaus – Artists' Red

Festival Halls

Fortress in the mist

Winter's Day in Salzburg

Bike – arte povera

Elvis, Elvis!

Train station blues, remembered

Remembering summer

Remember bag-man


Hard surfaces

For a better 2011

Happy new year, v.2

Happy New Year! – and an announcement

With the blog theorist currently on a sabbatical – for his ground-breaking study on Multiple Blog Personality Disorder Syndrome (wonder why he took so many notes round here recently?) – well, for the moment we'll have to miss out on his little lecture that would have been due right here & now: 'Auto-referentiality in post-modernism 2.0 and the doppelganger motif in German Black Romanticism in the light of Jacques Lacan's concept of the 'Real' as opposed to traditional symbolic theories and their concept of the Sublime'.
Once he's back, we'll love to get that slim 2 hour tour package to a theater near you!
Got a sneak preview of his manuscript: barely 200 footnotes there, easy stuff, yet enlightening, especially with his newly developed multi media presentation system.
As a little preparation work you might just brush up your Lacan: still familiar with the concepts of the Real, the Imaginary, and the Symbolic – jouissance?
As for the practical applications you might just want to re-read Slavoi Zizek's 5 volumes on Lacanian analysis of Hitchcock movies; then work out your questions for the discussion: it will be mostly on the implications of web 2.0 for the theory of the Imaginary, and why Schubert's 'Doppelgänger' was a predecessor of the discussion of identity and loss in The Matrix.
Sheet music will be available at the doors!
Come to think of it: it might just add that extra something to your enjoyment/jouissance, if you also read wemo's thesis on Matrix beforehand; it's based on an unreleased editor's cut that was destroyed by the production company's law firm shortly afterwards. wemo was slightly injured in the incident, and a doppelganger of the film editor has been haunting some 50.000 copies of Gibson's Neuromancer ever since. The effect is especially gruesome in the e-book versions; watch out before download!
wemo's thesis available at Salzburg University Press, Salzamt division, 500p., € 250.00 or $ 325.00 incl. VAT, postage and packaging not included.
I'll just take it for granted that you're familiar with Kant's three Critiques, those two compact volumes of Deleuze's theory on cinema, and Karl Sierek's theory of the visual paradigm as developed in passing in his analysis of Blade Runner, a lot of basics there in that little essay, not to be missed; – you're with me, aren't you?
There will be handouts in Sanskrit, for reasons to become clear during the lecture (it's got to be about Zen and the perception of 'reality', hasn't it? Just an educated guess there; let's see).
All set? Then: Happy New Year! Signed Mister Mister, blogwart